Too much screen time can negatively affect children’s health in many ways

Too much screen time can negatively affect children’s health in many ways

Nowadays, to get rid of their problems, parents give their children a TV or mobile when they cry. But do you know that this has a very bad effect on the child’s brain. Due to this, the physical and mental growth of children is greatly affected.

Is using phone or watching TV dangerous for children?

Nowadays people have become so modern that even small children have started keeping personal mobiles and tabs. And they use them continuously. On the other hand, health experts believe that this kind of use of mobiles and tabs by children can be harmful for health. Nowadays health experts are repeatedly saying that children’s screen time should be reduced because it is affecting their mental health. Therefore, children should not watch phones or TV for long. This causes a lot of harm.

Doctors explain why screen time is dangerous for children?

Mobile and screen time is very dangerous for children. Because it affects the mental and physical growth of the child. That is, spending more time on mobile and TV at a young age affects the personality development of children. In such a situation, the worst thing that is happening is that the social circle of children is decreasing. Nowadays children are making fewer friends. The reason behind this can also be the coronavirus epidemic.

Which is more harmful for children phone or TV?

Both TV and mobile are very dangerous for children. Children’s screen timing should not be too much. Due to this, children’s thinking and understanding power gradually starts decreasing.

Children’s brains start to weaken due to excessive use of phones and watching TV. This reduces their ability to think. Children should be made to understand how dangerous the phone can be. Children should watch TV regularly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: If you work on laptop for hours then do these exercises to remove eye fatigue

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